As we head towards the end of the month we also approach the traditional time of year when we say goodbye to British Summer Time (BST). On the 31st the clocks go back an hour, which has the always welcome benefit of an extra hour in bed. So why are we mentioning this – and how do the clocks going back an hour affect your signage?
For retailers, BST means sunlight hours stretch further into the evenings which can help improve trade. On the other hand, the move back an hour also means retailers will see an increase in their energy bills from the increased use of lighting. This is where the clocks going back can affect your signage.
Are you open?
With the days drawing shorter, the need to ensure any signage illumination is in working order suddenly becomes a priority. Where just the previous week your signage was clearly visible, now the shorter days really have an impact and your store sign starts to look plunged into darkness. And as shoppers relate dark signage to a shop now closed, that will impact on your trade.
The simple answer is to make sure you have a scheduled maintenance agreement which will include regular inspections before the clocks change to spot issues such as any faulty illumination. As an alternative, you can have a reactive maintenance agreement, which you can then request a call-out to fix any faults in your signage illumination when you test it ahead of the end of October. Both types of maintenance schedules are available from Cygnia.
Time to prepare
Time to prepare
Whichever route you take, don’t wait until the 31st of October to discover your signage illumination is not working. Then you will see for yourself how the clocks going back affect your signage.
Like to talk to one of the team? Contact us today to see how we can help you stay visible to your customers.