Retail Sign Management - Your Safety Is Our Priority
Every business has a duty of care to their staff and customers – maintaining safe signage is essential to deliver this duty. Our aim is to provide a cost-effective retail sign maintenance service in order to achieve optimal levels of sign safety across your entire estate.
There is a growing legacy of potential accidents and horror stories out there, and we urge all multi-site operators to do all they can to ensure that their site is not the next one to be adversely featured in the press for falling signage. All too often we encounter signs fixed to deteriorating timber sub-fascia, or signs installed with insufficient or inappropriate fixings for the sub-fascia and substrate.
As part of our core PPM service offering we include our essential 'Sign Health Check' to test the safety, security and effectiveness of your current signage fixing.
All too often we encounter signs fixed to deteriorating timber sub-fascia, or signs installed with insufficient or inappropriate fixings for the sub-fascia and substrate. We use market leading portable testers to test the crucial holding force of anchors and fixings of your signage at every level.
Regular Sign Maintenance To Keep You And Your Customers Safe
Cygnia Maintenance offers a number of additional “Health Check” services over and above our basic signage PPM offers. These additional services can cover any or all of the following.
These services can be offered for delivery in clusters (10 to 15% of estate per annum), or as full national roll out. Fees dictated by each individual projects requirements.